Thursday, February 17, 2011

Apologies are in order. I've been remiss. And while I'm not quite back to posting, I do, on the other hand, have some new eye candy to share.

Not only is my website live and running, but so is my .tumblr diary, where I share what I'm eating, reading, seeing, listening to, and just in general, loving. It's short, it's sweet, it's frequent, and it's pretty.

Why not have a look?

And what is a bluestocking, you ask? A noun: a woman with strong scholarly or literary interests. From the Bluestocking Society, an 18th century London literary society whose members - predominately female - wore blue worsted stockings to their meetings.

And bluestocking creative is all about being as collaborative, integrative, and creative as possible.

PS Confession: N and M and I are officially in love. New post on N's most hilarious comments coming soon, but if you like reading them in real time, make sure to follow me on Twitter! New name: @bluestocking_(same girl).

